Here’s How You Improve Your English Teaching Skills

English is a complex language with different tenses, spelling, and grammar that may confuse non-native speakers. Students may have a difficult time learning; as a teacher, you have an important role in helping them achieve fluency or at least competency.

Instructors from teacher language workshops cite the following ways you can improve your teaching ability.

1. Set goals.

It’s important that your students have objectives so they have something to aim for. Create short-term goals and long-term ones so that you don’t overwhelm them.

Teach them grammar patterns and vocabulary they can handle daily. Begin with easy ones such as subject-verb agreement and once they master this move on to complex ones such as past participles and sentence combinations.

2. Customize your approach.

Students have different responses to how you teach and the activities you do. Talk to each student to determine if they like what you are doing and if they are having a difficult time catching up with the lessons. The feedback you get will allow you to change your approach into one that helps everyone in the class.

3. Encourage class participation.

Rote learning and passive students will make for a boring class. They may just memorize words, meanings, and grammar, and once they step out of the room or after a test, they forget all they have learned.

To reduce this, make your pupils participate in class. When they are actively participating, you engage their minds and make them think. This approach enables them to use the concepts you taught them and implement them creatively.

4. Provide feedback.

Students want feedback to determine how much they have learned and how they can improve. Avoid giving generic comments, instead go into detail.

Mention their strengths and weaknesses, and tell them if they need to work on their spelling, grammar, or if they need to be more creative in making sentences. Walk them through the process and provide words of encouragement to keep their confidence and engagement in class high.

5. Give regular assessments.

Tests, homework, and regular activities in class are some ways to assess the ability and comprehension of students. Be clear on how you will grade each student; break down the details such as percentage of their grades will be for exams, participating in class, projects, and even attendance.

Be fair in providing rewards and punishments; this approach keeps students engaged and active. Once they see you are unfair in some aspects of teaching and grading, you will lose them, and their effort will wane.

6. Try an alternative approach.

In some cases teaching the regular way (the class sitting and you doing all the talking) will not work and bore students. Change your approach and add a bit of diversity; use interactive tools, and provide visuals of the words you are trying to teach. This makes your pupils excited for class and eager to learn.

7. Consider metacognitive techniques.

Girl studying English with teacher

This technique provides students with a chance to monitor, organize, and plan their work and performance. It also gives them opportunities for self-reflection; this enables and empowers them in class. The increase in ownership involves them in the process of learning, which in turn keeps them confident.

These strategies improve your ability as a teacher and allow you to connect with your students. Apply these and see the results and boost in confidence in class.

The Author

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