Dealing with Your Kids’ Tantrums without Driving Yourself Nuts

They say that having a baby is like taking care of a little angel that came down from heaven. Who can resist their coos, their adorable toothless smiles, their baby breath, and their innocence? If only babies would remain babies all of their lives, but no, it won’t happen. They turn into toddlers – monster toddlers, in many cases.

Raising a toddler is another story. You will need some help in raising and teaching them basic things. In Salt Lake City, many daycare centers offer programs to enrich kids’ minds. It takes a village to take care of a child, after all. But sometimes, you cannot help but be frustrated when kids act out.

The frustrating truth about child tantrums

Taking care of a toddler can be an emotional roller coaster. One moment they’re all sweet and charming, and then they become little monsters a couple of minutes after. They can drive you nuts, but rest assured that this is just a phase that they’ll grow out of eventually. But first, we as parents need to understand why kids act that way.

That sudden burst of emotions that occur in young children is called a tantrum. A child’s emotional and social skills begin to develop around 1 to 3 years old. This is usually the age they are still learning to speak and say their thoughts. However, some older children throw tantrums due to the same reason.

Some children are still starting to discover things that influence the people around them. Hence they throw tantrums. For example, young children tend to throw tantrums when they do not get what they want. They think that by throwing tantrums, adults will give in to their requests, and then they will be happy again.

Preventing tantrums

father playing with his kid

When your child throws a fit, it can be tempting to get mad and spank them. But remember that most likely, you have also been in their place when you were a kid. It can also be frustrating on their part not able to express what they want, so they do it by acting out. In other words, we need to understand our children because they have feelings, too.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent your child from throwing a fit. Here are some things that can help calm down your child:

  • Practice positive reinforcement. Make sure to acknowledge your child’s milestones and good behavior and give rewards from time to time.
  • Let your child decide for themselves sometimes. For example, let them choose what to wear or what to eat for dessert. This will help them in making decisions on their own later on.
  • If your child is about to throw a fit for not getting something they want, try to distract them. Bring them somewhere exciting or let them play in a playground.
  • Be reasonable when they ask for something. Some requests can be easily granted, while some can be impossible. You decide when to give in.
  • Try to keep your cool when a tantrum is happening. Your child might already be sleepy or hungry, so try distracting the child with other things.

Tantrums are a normal thing, especially in young children, and they will eventually grow it out when they get older. As parents, we need to be patient as much as possible and be there for our kids in times when they need us the most.

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